by A.R. Gurney, directed by Senior Theatre Major Joelle Clingerman
Greg (Joshua Adams) tries to keep the peace between his wife Kate, left,
(Tarra Haskell) and the dog he loves, Sylvia (Hayley O'Connor)
(Tarra Haskell) and the dog he loves, Sylvia (Hayley O'Connor)
WHEN: April 24, 25, 30 & May 1, 2 at 7:30 p.m. and April 26 & May 3 at 2 p.m.,
also a special 5p.m. show on April 29
WHERE: Russell Hall on the University of Southern Maine’s Gorham Campus
TICKETS: Students $7, Seniors/Faculty/Staff/Alumni $10, General public $14
BOX OFFICE: (207) 780-5151
After 20-something years of marriage and raising children in the suburbs, Greg and Kate move to Manhattan. Kate (Tarra Haskell of Sidney, ME) loves her challenging, but rewarding, job teaching literature to inner-city kids. She revels in the freedom of having her own children out of the house and in college. Greg, (Joshua Adams of Amesbury, MA) on the other hand, hates his job in finance. He frets about the unknown, middle-aged life ahead of him and teeters on the edge of a full-blown, mid-life breakdown.
Then, he gets involved with a frisky young thing he picks up in the park one day. She’s all over him, she adores him and he falls hard for her. She gives Greg everything he’s missing: energy, spontaneous adventure, unconditional love and big, wet kisses. He brings her home to meet Kate and suggests they all live together. Her name is Sylvia and she’s a dog — a Labradoodle, to be exact.
It doesn’t take long for Sylvia (Hayley O’Connor of Vassalboro, ME) the dog to become a bone of contention between husband and wife. Kate has no intention of sharing her life, or house, with a dog. She begins to unravel as Sylvia chews her shoes, hogs their romantic weekends and takes up all of Greg’s time.
Three other characters make their way through the canine love triangle (all played by Ryan Nash of Kennebunk, ME): Tom, a dog-living philosopher Greg meets in the park; Phyllis, an old friend of Kate's, and Leslie, a bafflingly androgynous marriage counselor trying to help the trio through the rough spots.
Sylvia ends up being Greg’s constant companion. He even stops going to work to spend more time with her. After many comic twists, Kate puts her foot down. It’s either the dog or her. Greg has to decide — and it’s not easy.
Director Joelle Clingerman is a senior theatre major at USM from Orono, ME concentrating in directing. She is the only student to earn a main stage slot in this season.